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On this page you can choose access options to suit your needs. If you wish to return to the standard settings, please select "Medium" text and "Plain layout".

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Talking pages

Browsealoud is a free service which helps anyone with reading difficulties use our website by reading web pages for you. Click to download Browsealoud.

Click to Download Browse Aloud If you need technical support call Browsealoud on free-phone 0800 328 7910.

 Access Keys

This site uses access keys. Access keys are keyboard shortcuts on a web site that give a user quick and easy access to areas of a site using the keyboard instead of the mouse.

If you are using Windows press the ALT key in combination with the access key number to focus to that specific link on the page. Press Enter to select that link.

If you are using a Macintosh pressing the CTRL key in combination with the access key will send you to that specific page.
The following are the access keys used on this site:

  1. Home
  2. Access menu
  3. Going out
  4. About us
  5. Living streets
  6. Useful links
  7. Contact us

Please note: Your browser may or may not support access keys.
* Screen-reading software is speech software that can enable the computer to be used with the monitor switched off.


Word-Bank is a dictionary plugin for websites made by Enabled City. It explains what words mean using images and animations. To enable it, use the Word Bank Turn Word Bank OnON | Turn Word Bank OffOFF switch in the sidebar.

 Site Help

Enabled London has worked hard to make this website as accessible as possible.
If you have any comments, questions or feedback about our website please forward them to admin@enabledlondon.com.

WAI A | Bobby approved

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