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Bad info letter

 Bad Information and what you can do...

Bad information

Everyone has the right to get information in a way that is easy for them. But people with learning difficulties often get sent information that is hard to understand. Now it's easier to do something about it with Photosymbols.


The Bad Info Letter can be sent to people who have sent you information you don't understand. This might be because of long words, too small type, no pictures or symbols or not enough time to do anything about it. It's free to download and use.

PDF version

Click here for a copy of the Bad information letter.

Where to get copies of Bad Info

This infromation has been supplied from Photosymbols, follow this link to visit thier site.
You can phone them on 0117 959 4424.

Your local social services may also have copies.

Who made Bad Info


The 'Bad Info Letter' has been made by Photosymbols and Bath People First.

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