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Living Streets

 Cleaner safer streets - your streets

Living Streets are the champions of streets and public spaces for people on foot. We work on practical projects to create safe, lively and healthy streets for all.

Local streets are a service that we all use. But over the years traffic has been allowed to take them over, and they have been left dirty and unsafe.

Lively streets help to bring back life to our communities and reconnect people.

Help us to win streets back for everybody.

 Fed up with this?

Declining neighbourhood
Man stepping in a dogs mess
Pavement parking
Do you feel unsafe in your community?
Dog mess covering our pavements?
Pavement parking?

 Prefer this?

A lively street scene
For more information about Living Streets and how to make your community cleaner, safer and walking friendly follow this link to www.livingstreets.org.uk

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